Quiet ride… but for hotel stay!

mathias coudert
2 min readNov 24, 2023


Quiet ride… But for hotel stay !

While I always enjoy conversation with taxis / Uber’s drivers when I am in the mood for it, I sometime need quiet ride to focus on something else (or I have to go to the airport really early and am not fully awake yet!) in that case the quiet ride option from Uber is my best friend. It makes a trip focus on the essential… get from A to B fast, no extra talk!

Hotels should offer the same option… especially when the purpose of stay is for business. You might have a late flight, know already breakfast hours or where the elevator are, and you just want to skip the whole check in ceremony to reach your room as fast as possible.

A ‘quiet stay’ option would make sure you complete all the formality and get your key before reaching the hotel, you could choose when housekeeping would come (or even skip it, think sustainability) and won t need to bother hang the not so design “do not disturb” sign on your door. Check out would be as smooth and if you don t feel like it, then your entire stay would be without extra talk. Only focusing on the essential.

Of course it not applies to all your stays, but still it could be a great preferences to have on a profile where a guest could update it if they feel it.

Benefit for the guest is a better experience as it is the experience they want ! But also it will make overall check in faster and your staff will be able to focus on guests who actually need more high touch guest experience.

